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Freshwater Crab Information Web
LIST Freshwater crabs
of Taiwan
Freshwater crabs
of Japan & Ryukyus
¢i [2020] Crustacean Fauna of Taiwan: Freshwater Crabs (PDF)
l [2016] Diyutamon cereum, a new genus & new sp. of stygomorphic cave freshwater crab from China
l [2016] Yuebeipotamon calciatile, a new genus & new species of freshwater from Guangdong, China (PDF)
l [2016] Longpotamon, a new genus for the widely-distributed freshwater crabs of China
l [2016] Tiwaripotamon pluviosum, a new freshwater crab from northern Vietnam & southern China
l [2014] Geothelphusa cilan, a new montane freshwater crab from northern Taiwan
l [2014] Tiwaripotamon vixuyenense, a new freshwater crab from northern Vietnam
l [2011] Phylogeny & biogeography of Geothelpyhusa from N Taiwan, Diaoyutai & S Ryukyus
l [2011] Diversity & biogeography of East Asian freshwater crabs
l [2011] An introduced freshwater crab to Taiwan, Sayamia germaini (PDF)
l [2011] Phylogeny & biogeography of Nanhaipotamon
l [2010] A new freshwater crab of the genus Geothelphusa from southwestern Taiwan: Geothelphusa holthuisi
l [2010] Identity of Geothelphusa chiui, with the Geothelphusa genetic diversity from eastern Taiwan
l [2009] Geothelphusa makatao, a new freshwater crab from an uplifted Pleistocene reef in Taiwan
l [2008]
A new Geothelphusa from Taiwan based on morphological & molecular evidence, with notes on species from western Taiwanl [2007] Phylogeny and phylogeography of the genus Geothelphusa in southwestern Taiwan based on two mitochondrial genes (PDF)
l [2007] Phylogeny of the freshwater crabs Somanniathelphusa from Taiwan and the coastal regions of China
l [2006] Intraspecific genetic diversity of the endemic freshwater crab Candidiopotamon rathbunae
l [2005] A new species of freshwater crab from Dongyin Island, Matsu, Taiwan (Nanhaipotamon dongyinense)
[2004] Systematics of the genus Geothelphusa from southern Taiwan: a molecular appraisal (PDF)¢i [2000] The creek warrior ¡X the freshwater crab
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