Invertebrate Lab


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  Hermit Crab 

Information Web




red_dot.gif (884 bytes) Morphology of a hermit crab

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) Measurement of a hermit crab and its shell

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) LIST of Taiwanese hermit crabs new.gif (148 bytes)

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) book: Crescent Swordsmen - the Seashore Crabs of Dongsha Island [2020] (in Chinese)

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) Coenobita lila, a new species of land hermit crab from Singapore & adjacent areas [2016]

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) book: Warrior ¡X The Seashore Crabs of Dongsha Island [2012] (in Chinese)

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) Utilization of shell resources by the hermit crabs, Calcinus latens and Calcinus gaimardii, at Kenting, southern Taiwan [2000]

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) Identity of two hermit crabs, Calcinus vachoni Forest, 1958 and C. seurati Forest, 1951, from the coral reefs of Taiwan [1997]

red_dot.gif (884 bytes) New records of Calcinus hermit crabs from Taiwan [1995]

Invertebrate Lab

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